Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cars and Coffee 3/14/10 Luxury4Play Feat Lamborghini Reventon GMG Porsche GT3 Cup Car

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  1. Hi res of the Diablo SE is not working. Awesome pictures as usual. Thanks.

  2. owner of the reventon=asian?

  3. Reventon aka stealth bomber. Which I could've seen it in person.

  4. cars and coffey is so nice i wish have a car like that

  5. wow these cars are something else area amazing and the porche gt3 wow that is really fast .

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  18. Wow thoe cars are pretty cool. Id be petrified to own one though b/c i feel as if its sleek design scream "steal me" to car thieves.

  19. Wow! All these sporty cares are looking pretty cool.... Really amazing car collection.... I like it very much! Thanks!

  20. Nice car. This is the first of its kind I have seen anywhere.

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